HomeAbout MeVideo Conferencing20 Minute Free TrialPricing Details

20 Minute Free Trial . . .

Objectives ...

1.  Make sure all the technology is working
2.  To meet you Face > Face.  I will have a webcam.  I would encourage you to use one, but it is not necessary

Steps to Success ...

1.  Download Skype, WhatsApp, Facetime, Zoom
2.  Create an account
3.  I will contact you via email to:
        .  arrange the day and time of our 20 minute free trial session
        .  what is your choice of conversation topic for part of this session.
        .  to exchange web chat information
4.  Attend Trial Session
        .  log into your choice of video chat at agreed day and time
        .  20 minute casual conversation session will include:
            .  personal introductions
            .  my goals for you
            .  what are your goals?  needs?
            .  begin chosen conversation topic
            .  receive positive feedback and tips
            .  ask any questions
            .  discuss conversation session content
5.  Post Trial Session
        .  you will receive an email with evaluation of trial session
        .  will include an assessment on your spoken English level as well as challenges and solutions, how to register, when to begin and a review of the            pricing.